Vue du matin


  -    -  Governance

The Fondation des Treilles is managed by a board of directors assisted by a scientific council, independent juries and committees bringing together personalities whose combined expertise covers all areas of the foundation’s activities.


The Board of Directors

The Foundation is managed by a board of directors of 12 members divided in three colleges : founders, legal members and qualified members.


Maryvonne de Saint-Pulgent, ex officio member, Emeritus President of division of the State Council

Executive office

  • Philippe Raynaud, qualified member, vice president, Emeritus professor of Political Sciences, University Panthéon-Assas, Paris II, member of the University Institute of France
  • Bernard Teissier, qualified member, Secretary, Emeritus director of Research, CNRS, Mathematical Institute of Jussieu-PRG, Paris VII
  • Olivier Lebel, member of the founding committee, treasurer.

Other trustees

  • Patrick Audebert, ex officio member representing  the Ministry of Internal affairs
  • Jean-Pierre Danthine, member of the Founding Committee
  • Johanna Etner, ex officio member representing the Ministry of Higher Education and Research
  • Charles-Henri Filippi, qualified member, Managing Director of Lazard France
  • Didier Laussel, qualified member, economist, Emeritus Professor at Aix-Marseilles University
  • Claire Lebel, member of the Founding Committee
  • Anne-Marie Le Guevel, ex officio member, representative from the Ministry of Culture and Communication
  • Alain Peyraube, qualified member, Emeritus Director of Research, National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), Paris


The Scientific Committee

The scientific committee is made up of a president and ten members distributed equally between human and social sciences, physics and chemistry, as well as natural sciences. It selects the application files of candidates for seminars and study residencies. It meets as a jury as part of the Young Researcher Prize. It can add associate members and call on external evaluators.


Pascal Ory, Emeritus Professor of Contemporary History at the Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne University.


  • Daniel Bennequin, Professor of Mathematics at University Paris 7 Diderot
  • Laurence Bertrand-Dorléac, Professor of Art History at Sciences Po (School for Political Science), Paris.
  • Déborah Bourc’his, Epigenetics Research Director at the Curie Institute, Paris.
  • Philippe Büttgen, Professor of Philosophy, University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (ISJPS)
  • Elisabeth Giacobino, Emeritus Director of Research, CNRS – Laboratory Kastler Brossel UMR8552,  Pierre & Marie Curie University, École Normale Supérieure, CNRS (National Centre for Scientific Research)
  • Jean-Antoine Girault, Inserm Research Director; Head of the Institut du Fer à Moulin, UMR-S 1270, Inserm, Sorbonne University
  • Olivier Hamant, Research Director at the INRAE (National Institute for Agronomic Research) and deputy director of the Plant Reproduction and Development Laboratory  at the École Normale Supérieure in Lyon, director of the Michel Serres Institute.
  • Nathalie Heinich, Research Director in Sociology at the National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), Paris
  • Marc Hersant, Literature Professor at the Paris III – Sorbonne nouvelle – University, Paris
  • Sylvie Strudel, Professor of Political Sciences, University Paris 2 Pantheon-Assas – CECP, associate researcher at the Marc Bloch Centre, Berlin (Germany) and at the Research Centre for Political Science (CEVIPOF), Paris

Associate Member

  • Nathan Schlanger, professor of archeology at the École nationale des chartes.


The juries

The juries select the winners of the various Fondation des Treilles prizes. At least one member of the board of directors is represented in each jury. For the author’s residency prize and the two photographic prizes, a former laureate, appointed for one year, participates in the jury’s deliberations.


The committees

  • Financial committee
  • Heritage Committee
  • Editorial committee