Press release – 10 February 2023
The Fondation des Treilles Photography Residency Prize aims to help create photographic works on the theme of the Mediterranean.
Created in 2011, this prize is endowed with €2,650 per month plus a month’s residence at the Domaine des Treilles in the Var during which the winners make their prints.
For this 12th year, the jury chaired by Jean-Luc Monterosso and composed of Bertrand Eveno, Tatyana Franck, Claire Lebel, Françoise Huguier, Bernard Perrine and Jean-François Spricigo met on January 21, 2023. Among the 153 applications received and of the 25 files selected, it retained the projects of Julie Bourges, Eric Bouvet and Olivia Gay.
Julie Bourges
As a child, Julie spent long hours reading and imagining other worlds. Today, she photographs parcels of reality – where she would like to bring up the possibility of a new territory, both mysterious and liberating.
After The Hand of the Witch, inspired by the story of Cécile, a young woman shipwright in French Catalonia and Les eau-fortes, following in the footsteps of the rare women sailors-fishermen, she wishes to open a new chapter by meeting women sailors thanks to the residence of the Treilles Foundation.
Éric Bouvet
Éric Bouvet has covered the biggest world events of the past 40 years, in 140 countries and for the biggest magazines. Since 2011, he has also produced documentary projects in the chamber.
His project focuses on these places of passage for traders, migrants, diplomats, soldiers, tourists and sportsmen that are the passes of the Franco-Italian border which have shaped history so much. Important strategic and geopolitical issues, they mark a border with a turbulent course.
Olivia Gay
Olivia Gay studied art history and then photography. She first worked as a press photographer before moving towards visual photography. Her approach combines documentary approach and aesthetic research and is built over time and closeness with people, mainly women. This research continues today in the form of a research and creation doctorate within the framework of the RADIAN program: “Women at work. For a comprehensive photography”.
Her project will be carried out within the framework of the Treilles Foundation. Based on research on Mediterranean light and the links between painting and photography, she will endeavor to make visible the presence of the people invited (scientists, artists, etc.) with the aim of questioning what it really means to “seek » or how to make visible, through the photographic gaze, the world of ideas.
The laureates since 2011
2011 Raed Bawayah and Véronique Ellena
2012 Morgane Denzler and Manuela Marques
2013 Claire Chevrier, Patrizia Di Fiore and Mark Lyon
2014 Anaïs Boudot, Hicham Gardaf and Evangelia Kranioti
2015 Thibaut Cuisset, Wiktoria Wojciechowska and Sophie Zénon
2016 Andrea & Magda, Pablo Guidali and Klavdij Sluban
2017 Nicolas Comment and Laurie Dall’Ava & Victor Mazière
2018 Clément Chapillon, Stéphane Couturier, Corinne Mercadier and Safaa Mazirh
2019 Sylvie Hugues, M’hammed Kilito and Jean-François Spricigo
2020 Bernard Descamps, Sophie Hatier and Yusuf Sevinçli
2021 Mohamed Camara, Karine Pierre, Alain Fleischer
The Escourbiac – Fondation des Treilles Prize
In 2022, the Escourbiac printing house and the Treilles Foundation created a new prize to help create a photographic work, still on the theme of the Mediterranean.
On January 21, 2023, the jury awarded this prize for the first time to Francine Cathelain.
The book produced by Éditions Odyssée and the Escourbiac printing house will be presented during the opening week of the Rencontres Photographiques d’Arles in 2023.
Francine Cathelain
She reached the image through movement, as Francine Cathelain is also a scriptwriter for the cinema, but her work as an author is however resolutely oriented towards the fixed shot. That of the photographic medium. Her series, nourished by many travels and by intimate territories, are often thought for the book. They borrow from her cinematographic experience the work on light, rhythm, textures and a certain desire for narration.
Her project: And I will let my eyes fly (working title)