November 2021
A new classification of aeolian dunes – organized by Sylvain Courrech Dupont.
The aim of this working meeting is to bring together around fifteen researchers working on dunes in different fields to establish a common language and a common nomenclature of the different types of dunes. The dunes are born, evolve and move thanks to the coupling between the wind and the topography of the sand bed. The shape of the dunes therefore depends on the wind regime such as their different directions during the seasons. The names given to the different dunes depend on the scientific communities and, for historical reasons, awkwardly mix morphological and morphogenetic terms. Recent advances in the field, notably enabled by new interactions between physicists, geologists and planetologists, call for a review of the nomenclature of dunes.
In the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic, Societies in Motion, Disciplines in Change – organized by Marc Mézard and Anne Christophe.
Everyone feels, whatever their occupation, how much the Covid-19 pandemic is disrupting our daily lives, social and political, individual and collective. From this point of view, 2020 marks a shattering return of science to the heart of political, national and international current affairs, but research is not without its controversies, doubts, methods and temporality. It is this new relationship of science to society, and of societies to science, that the seminar designed by the ENS intends to study, quantify and qualify. Research and science are not just a means of studying, and even containing, the pandemic. They are themselves challenged and reconfigured by the Covid-19. Their perimeter, their role and the relationships between disciplines come into tension. The effect of the pandemic on research and disciplinary fields is an essential line of study if we wish to draw all the scientific, intellectual and moral conclusions of the times in which we are suddenly immersed.
Meters and looms. A brief social history of French versifiers – Paul Aron.
Beside or below the history of French poetry, there is another history, less known, if not completely ignored. It is that of amateurs, who write verses with no other ambition than to please, to entertain themselves or to be useful. It forms such a large volume that it discourages any inventory. Without climbing this mountain of forgotten verses, we can however approach the problem from another angle of view. Can we simply oppose here professionals and amateurs, little-known works and recognized works? The dichotomy seems reductive. It will be less so when we consider the gap between mediocre creators and enlightened amateurs, and will be reduced even further when we consider what separates the appreciated work from that which has fallen into disrepute after being adulated. From this perspective, the objective would not be to list Sunday writers, but to find out why, on Sundays, some people write verses.
Geneviève Parot
Her novel project will be situated in the near future, between dystopia and farce: the burden represented by the cohort of inactive and unproductive (but not dependent) elderly people, experienced as a “bottomless pit”, has become unbearable. A new concept has germinated in power circles: voluntary departure training, dubbed a “great humanitarian cause”. The tool created to implement it is the “Dignified Departure Training Establishment”. The aim is to get people to consider, then accept and then desire their own disappearance. These D.D.T.E. multiply, and meet with growing success. [find out more]
Yusuf Sevinçli
“Cease Fire – Cyprus” will explore the impression of recent history and conflict on the landscape of the island of Cyprus. There is a longstanding dispute between Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots, and the modern history of Cyprus illustrates the conflict between politics and nationalism. This clash transformed a multi-ethnic, multi-religious and multi-cultural island into a landscape of strife, separation and mistrust. Cease Fire does not aspire to “write” history, but to offer a subjective visceral response to how these ambivalences imprint on the landscape and the inhabitants of an island literally split in two. [find out more]
Anaïs Boudot, Andrea & Magda, Raed Bawayah, Clément Chapillon, Claire Chevrier, Nicolas Comment, Stéphane Couturier, Thibaut Cuisset, Laurie Dall’Ava, Morgane Denzler, Bernard Descamps, Véronique Ellena, Patrizia di Fiore, Hicham Gardaf, Pablo Guidali, Sophie Hatier, Sylvie Hugues, M’Hammed Kilito, Evangélia Kranioti, Mark Lyon, Manuela Marques, Safaa Mazirh, Corinne Mercadier, Yusuf Sevinçli, Klavdij Sluban, Jean-François Spricigo, Wiktoria Wojciechowska & Sophie Zénon.
Rue Nicolas Laurier, Place du Globe, Toulon – Free entrance from Tuesday to Saturday from 12 am to 6 pm, closed on Monday and bank holidays.
40 years of research, creation and publications
Nature and culture…
“In harmony with nature, these places release a very special force, a force which stimulates the human being towards the creation and the sharing of ideas.” (Anne Gruner Schlumberger. Natural and Human History of a Destiny). If Anne Gruner Schlumberger makes her Treilles Domain a melting pot for research and creation, she takes care to keep its natural authenticity by inviting Henri Fisch to model a Provençal landscape and by recreating an agricultural activity today labeled with “High Environmental Value”. She listens to this ever-changing nature and leads environmental projects by installing solar panels since the 1970s, by promoting beekeeping or even by protecting the avifauna.
This interest can be found even in the subscriptions contracted for the library, since emblematic titles such as La Hulotte, Le Courrier de la Nature (Nature’s mail) or Nos amis les oiseaux (our friends the birds) appeared there from the end of the 1960s. Although little present until then at Les Treilles, environmental issues have nevertheless been the subject of several seminars and residential studies in recent years, work which will give rise to a number of publications.
Several are devoted to the climate, to its history, with the works published under the direction of Anouchka Vasak in 2012: Luke Howard: Sur les modifications des nuages suivi de Goethe, La Forme des nuages selon Howard – Hermann, collection « Météos » (Luke Howard: On the modifications of the clouds followed by Goethe, the clouds shape according to Howard), and in 2017 by Pierre Glaudes Les Nuages. Du tournant des Lumières au crépuscule du Romantisme (1760-1880), (Clouds. From the turn of the Enlightenment to the twilight of Romanticism), Editions Hermann, coll. Météos or to its evolution, with the book by Katia and Guy Laval, Incertitudes sur le climat (Uncertainties on the climate), Editions Belin, “Pour la science” collection, in 2013 (see Activités 2010).
The consequences of environmental changes also inspire our residents as well as the 2014 Barbara Demeneix book: Losing our minds. How Environmental Pollution Impairs Human Intelligence and Mental Health, Oxford University Press, from a residential study in 2012 or the publication by Rónadh Cox and Frederic Dias, Systematic Review Shows That Work Done by Storm Waves Can Be Misinterpreted as Tsunami-Related Because Commonly Used Hydrodynamic Equations Are Flawed, in Frontiers in Marine Science, in 2020 following the Vagues extrêmes et mouvement de blocs cyclopéens / Extreme Nearshore Wave Events and Coastal Boulder Transport seminar.
To not only be a spectator of this announced new world but also to become an actor, solutions are proposed in the collective work published under the direction of Thanh Nghiem and Cédric Villani, Le Manifeste du crapaud fou. Un appel à l’action pour un nouveau monde (the crazy toad manifesto : a call for action for a new world), published by Massot Éditions in 2017.
Finally, we must point out the recent publication by Claire Weill devoted to an unknown but nevertheless essential figure in the discipline: Petite et grande histoire de l’environnement, Konrad von Motke (1941 – 2005) (Small and great history of the environment, Konrad von Motke (1941 – 2005)), published by MUSEO in February 2021, following her residential study in Les Treilles in 2017.
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— The Author’s Residency Prize : January 31, 2022
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