November 2020
Laurence Lacour
Is still at the Foundation to work on her new novel The fabric of heaven. The topic her book is a passionate love correspondence during the civil war between Catholics and Protestants in Northern Ireland. The novel has neither narrator nor dialogues and is based only on their correspondence.
Sophie Divry
Is currently at the Treilles to write her new novel. Her initial idea is to make the rover “Curiosity”, the NASA rolling laboratory on the surface of Mars since 2012 – and partly directed from Toulouse – the hero of her novel. A rover that escapes human control, and walks at will on Mars.
The exhibition of the work of our 12 female winners of the Photography Prize at the Théâtre de la Criée in Marseille, initially planned until November 14, has been cancelled. We will keep you updated about its reprogramming. There will be represented : Anaïs Boudot, Claire Chevrier, Laurie Dall’Ava, Morgane Denzler, Patricia Di Fiore, Véronique Ellena, Evangelia Kranioti, Manuela Marques, Safaa Mazirh, Corinne Mercadier, Wiktoria Wojciechowska & Sophie Zénon.
Do you wish to apply to one of the activities proposed by the Fondation des Treilles ? Please consult the page dedicated to each activity to know more about our application procedures.
– For the Young Researcher Prize (for 2021) : November 20, 2020
– For the Author’s Residency Prize (for 2021) : January 31, 2021