March 2024
from March 4 to 9
Women’s competition: the central Middle Ages.
Seminar organized by Jan Rüdiger
How sure are we that past societies, the central Middle Ages for example, were more sexist than ours? How to assess gender imbalance? In order to question, or even contest, the assumption that the Middle Ages were masculine, and what recent research on women and power has shown, competition is a concept of obvious relevance. This seminar hopes to provide a new perspective on power relations between the sexes in the Middle Ages, by examining the competition over women, and to give new impetus to a debate that remains central to contemporary research and academic teaching, while making a contribution to a major problem facing society as a whole.
from March 18 to 23
Modelling symmetries using algebra
Seminar organized by Magdalena Kedziorek
In algebra, Serre’s seminal computational work provides a comprehensive classification of cohomology theories with rational coefficients in terms of rational vector spaces. The geometric objects considered in the context of this application are spaces presenting a determined symmetry: for example, the earth can be considered with its rotational symmetry around the polar axis. The primary objective of this seminar is to complete the Serre classification. The idea of the study is to merge the different new techniques and modern tools to advance research on rational spectra by bringing together the world’s leading experts in the field.
Residential studies
From March 4 to 16
The actor’s signature (13th-17th centuries)
Small residential study by Marie Bouhaik-Girones
The stay aims at finalizing a in-depth article, provisionally titled “By playing, by writing: the signature of the actor (13th-17th centuries)” which aims to renew the analysis of the anonymity of old theater pieces. It is through the antonym of anonymity, notoriety, here the notoriety of the actor, that Marie Bouhaik-Girones wishes to take up the complex issue of signing in the theater.
From March 11 to 16
Computer-assisted proofs
Small residential study organized by Camille Pouchol
The mathematical theory of control and attainability concerns the study of physical or biological models, on which we act to achieve specific objectives. It examines the possibility of guiding a system from an initial configuration to a final desired configuration using controls. The research project seeks to determine whether a control can lead the system towards a target configuration while respecting various constraints. The idea is to focus on error propagation in order to propose robust methods of certification and then digital implementation. [Learn more]
The author’s residency prize
Cécile A. Holdban
In a story based on biographical elements, but also on his own notes during visits to various places where his works are exhibited, the Chagall museum in Nice, the Maeght foundation, the Garnier opera, the cathedrals of Reims, Metz and Mainz (for its stained glass windows), from his tomb in Saint-Paul-de-Vence, and from reading his own books and those he illustrated, she offers a personal portrait of Marc Chagall. She also wishes, through this theme rarely addressed in Chagall’s work, although it is absolutely central, to evoke the presence of exile and Jewishness in his pictorial universe. [Learn more]
The musical composition prize
Harold Noben
During his residency Harold Noben will focus all his work on the creation of his new opera for voice, orchestra and small choir. The subject of this one is an adaptation of Madame Bovary, Gustave Flaubert’s masterpiece, the libretto of which is produced by the author and director Michaël De Cock. [Learn more]
The photography prize
On February 15, the names of the 3 new winners of the 13th edition of the “Residency Prize for Photography” as well as that of the winner of the second edition of the “Escourbiac Prize – Fondation des Treilles” were revealed at Initial Labo.
This year we will have the pleasure of welcoming:
Jean-Christophe Ballot for his project on the city of “Rome, a look at four centuries of eternity”
Paul Lemaire, on the theme of migrations from the Far East during the colonial period: “The mist of fairies, a Provence of the Far East”
Mohamed Mahdy for his photographic work on the fishermen of the El Max district of Alexandria in Egypt: “Here, The Doors Don’t Know Me”. [Learn more]
The Escourbiac – Fondation des Treilles Prize
Jeanne Taris
Her work revolves around the Gypsy pilgrimages of Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer and Lourdes, and is a long-term work. No image seems possible without deep intimacy, without inert time spent observing and creating a participatory observation close to a field investigation while carrying an assumed aesthetic commitment.
She will come in the spring to work on her photo book which will soon be published by Odyssée. [Learn more]