July 2024
The Centre Pompidou : History and Perspectives
Laurent Le Bon
The coming years will be essential for the Centre Pompidou. In 2024, the Centre will actually close for work, with a cultural project consolidated almost 50 years after its opening, and the drafting of a scientific and cultural project for the National Museum of Modern Art, one of the rare museums in France that does not have it to date. And in 2027, the Centre will celebrate its 50th anniversary. However, little research has been carried out on the history of the Centre Pompidou. The seminar that the Centre Pompidou wishes to conduct in 2024 will be centered on the future cultural project, an echo of the Arcachon seminar of January 1984 for the Grand Louvre.
History of solidarity and mutual aid among minorities (16th-19th century)
Mathilde Monge
The work resulting from the international Solidamin research program intends to offer a necessary synthesis on the way in which mutual aid practices allow religious and diasporic minorities to build their collective belongings throughout Europe in the 17th and 18th centuries. It will analyze in a transversal and comparative manner very varied relief operations concerning dispersed communities. Charitable measures such as the habit of responding to calls for help, persuasion techniques, the circulation of funds or even the control of distribution have effects on the entire society. They contribute to the development of collective identities across Europe, to the imposition of standards of behavior or to the emergence of philanthropy, because it is often through their margins that societies are transformed.
Residential Studies
From the Geometric Spirit: a classic without edition
Yoen Qian-Laurent
The objective of our project is to offer a commented and critical edition of Pascal’s text known under the title De l’Esprit Géométrique (Of the Geometric spirit). In the spirit of the conferences organized on the occasion of the quadricentenary of Pascal’s birth, we wish to remedy an important gap in access to his work: while it is an absolutely major text of modern philosophy, Of the Geometric Spirit remains both partly underdetermined in the critical reception of Pascal and as a source of inspiration in the history of modern philosophy (beyond the uses known by Port-Royal and Leibniz), and difficult to access. [learn more]
Archives Prize of the André Gide – Jean Schlumberger Centre
Vincenzo Mazza
is preparing the complete edition of the Correspondence Jean Schlumberger – Jacques Copeau (1905 – 1949). The birth of two myths: The NRF and the Théâtre du Vieux-Colombier. In the mosaic of published correspondence concerning the circle of La Nouvelle revue française, that of Jean Schlumberger and Jacques Copeau – professional and friendly at the same time – is the real missing mosaic. [learn more]
The Photography Prize
Mohammed Mahdy
is a visual storyteller from Alexandria, Egypt. He has just arrived at the Foundation to work on his photographic project Here, The Doors Don’t Know Me, inspired by the plight of fishermen in the El Max neighborhood in Alexandria, threatened by a demolition project. Residents face the terrible prospect of their imminent displacement. [Learn more]
Author’s Residency Prize
Christophe Etemadzadeh
Memory and filiation are the main themes of his future work, which tells the story of a family as much as that of an individual. The first volume, Life without knowing, was devoted to the years of childhood; the second, which is currently entitled The Furtive Years, will evoke adolescence and entry into adulthood. [Learn more]
Musical Composition Prize
Harold Noben
During his residency at the Fondation des Treilles, Harold Noben is focusing all his work on the creation of his new opera for voice, orchestra and small choir. The subject of this one is an adaptation of Madame Bovary, a masterpiece by Gustave Flaubert, the libretto of which is produced by the author and director Michaël De Cock. [Learn more]