January 2023
The photography Jury
For its 12th edition, the photography jury, chaired by Jean-Luc Monterosso, will meet at the end of January to sort the candidates’ files and designate the 2023 winners of the Photography Prize and the Escourbiac-Fondation des Treilles Prize. Each year a winner is invited to participate in the deliberations. In 2023, we will have the pleasure of welcoming Jean-François Spricigo, who won the prize in 2019.
Activities agenda 2023
Discover the 2023 Treilles activities planning.
The Treilles meeting
We told you about it last month, it’s an appointment not to be missed! The presentation of the book Civilizations by Régis Debray and Henry Laurens will take place on January 26, 2023 at 6 p.m. at the Musée Quai Branly – Jacques Chirac (free admission subject to availability). Civilizations was published in the series “The analects of the Fondation des Treilles” in the “Cahiers de la NRF” at Gallimard in April 2022, following the seminar Convergences et divergences des sociétés, cultures, civilisations (report in French) organized by Régis Debray, Henry Laurens and Jalila Sbaï in 2018.
The sheep of the collection
Château Borely in Marseilles welcomes François-Xavier Lalanne’s sheep until March 12, 2023.
Anne Gruner Schlumberger (1905 – 1993) was one of the first collectors to acquire François-Xavier Lalanne’s “Pour Polyphème” set for her Treilles estate in Tourtour [find out more more].
Château Borély, Musée des Arts décoratifs, de la Faïence et de la Mode 132 avenue Clot Bey, 13008 Marseille. [learn more].
Call for applications
Application deadlines :
– The Author’s Residency Prize (for 2024) : October 1, 2022 – January 31, 2023
Seminar “Digital social networks”, organized by Francis Bloch.
The seminar brought together fifteen scholars from economics, sociology and computer science working on digital social networks. The participants discussed recent advances in the empirical analysis of Facebook and Twitter data and the influence of social media on economic and political outcomes. Other presentations were devoted to theoretical models of the platforms’ behavior.
Polarization of opinions in social networks was also studied by extending the De Groot model of opinion formation to allow for dissensus. Other presentations covered a diverse range of topics on conventional social networks. Due to the wonderful environment at Les Treilles, the seminar was an unmitigated success, with lively discussions and seeds of collaboration among researchers from three distinct academic communities. [learn more].