The book holds a special place within the foundation. Indeed, it “fosters and supports the exchange of ideas and intuitive connections between disciplines, or stimulate reflection on them”. (Anne Gruner-Schlumberger)
Located in the Grande Maison, the library contains about 17,000 references, mostly written in French and in English. This collection covers all the fields of knowledge in which the books that have marked the history of the discipline or opened new research perspectives are privileged, in a desire of both excellence and interdisciplinarity.
An art history library has also been built up over the years from an original collection of modern art, keeping up with the Foundation’s collections, and recently enriched by a major donation. This collection of five thousand references is mainly made of catalogs of exhibitions or private collections as well as artist monographs.
Moreover, following the creation of a residency of photography, the foundation has created a specialized library in this field. Artists’ books related to our winners of the Photography Prize are part of these documentary resources. In addition, the library manages the André Gide – Jean Schlumberger Centre, which contains archival documents by Jean Schlumberger, part of André Gide’s library and the collection of the former director of the Gallimard Archives, Jean-Pierre Dauphin.
A reading committee meets at least once a year to decide on the purchase of books in line with the foundation’s activities. Users are also invited to suggest the acquisition of one to three books that have been of particular significance to them, in any field of research.
The library also receives donations of books which are integrated into its collection, in accordance with its documentary policy. Participants in seminars and residential studies are invited to give one or more of their publications. These donations constitute a significant part of the catalog’s growth and reflect the richness and diversity of the exchanges that take place within the Foundation’s activities.
The library catalog is available on line.
The library of the Grande Maison provides work areas, computer stations, a photocopier and a scanner. Conferences and residential studies participants can have free access to the library from Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm. Access to other libraries is possible by appointment only.
It is possible to borrow books for the duration of stay. Libraries are also open to researchers and creators who do not participate in the foundation’s activities upon motivated request.

Bibliothèque de Barjeantane © Dominique Laugé