Exhibition of the Photography Prize laureates
For the second consecutive year, the 3 winners of the “Residence for Photography” Prize who stayed at the Fondation des Treilles in 2021 will unveil their work in the photographic space of Initial Labo in Paris.
This exhibition is an opportunity to discover the projects carried out by Bernard Descamps, Sophie Hatier and Yusuf Sevinçli, but also to announce the future 2022 residents chosen by the Photography Prize jury which met at the end of January.
Click here to know more about the 3 laureates presenting their work.
Opening from February 2 to 5 (on reservation)
62 avenue Jean-Baptiste Clement, 92100 Boulogne-Billancourt
Representatives of the Prize will be present from Tuesday February 2 to Saturday February 5 from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m. for an inauguration in respect of the Covid measures.
Each year in February, the Fondation des Treilles and Initial LABO present the results of the work carried out by the photographers in residence and announce the new winners to the press.