December 2023
In our archives
Jacqueline Hyde
In our archives there are black and white photos of a great photographer, Jacqueline Hyde, friend of Anne Gruner, who died 10 years ago.
Born in Berlin in 1922, she spent her childhood and adolescence in Paris where she began her apprenticeship in photography. Refugee in England with her family after the outbreak of the Second World War, she joined the Royal Air Force and carried out missions for the British secret services.
She became an independent photographer in the 1950s and worked mainly for the “Réunion des Musées Nationaux” and particularly for the Louvre Museum. Her name is also found in numerous exhibition catalogs of famous galleries which exhibit great artists of the surrealist movement.
From the 1960s, Jacqueline Hyde has been associated with the genesis of Treilles and documents the transformation of the landscapes and the evolution of the architectural project of our founder. A collection of around 5,000 photographs kept at Les Treilles illustrate the work written by Anne Gruner in 1979: “Les Treilles, natural and human history of a des”.
In 2005, our photographer took the photos for the first catalog of the Foundation’s collection as well as most of the photos for those that followed.
The Treilles blog
Expertises in climatic trials
A growing number of actors and organizations are now taking up, in various ways, and with varying success, the trial as an instrument of protest, mobilization and beyond climate justice. More than two thousand climate trials have been launched around the world and their number continues to increase.
Among all the questions posed by this new form of mobilization for the climate, expertise is a fundamental issue both for the applicants, who, to effectively assert a determined point of view in the service of the climate cause, do not have other choice than to appropriate knowledge and data from varied origins, both technical, complex and multidisciplinary (not only scientific, but also socio-economic and legal) and to build on these bases an expert system often enriched by lay knowledge (victim testimonies for example), as well as for the outcome of the trial, which turns out to be largely determined by these expert devices at the heart of the applicants’ legal strategies.
Halfway through a collective interdisciplinary research project funded by the National Research Agency for 4 years, the study stay was an opportunity to explore these issues, by mobilizing skills in law, political science, sociology, economics and climatology. [Learn more]
In 2023, several publications resulting from residencies, seminars, study stays and the Young Researcher Prize were published.
Author’s residency
Garance Meillon, La langue de l’ennemi/The language of the enemy, Gallimard.
Busy with a stressful job, Romain constantly uses what we call “elements of language”, which have begun to slowly shift into his personal life. Unbeknownst to him, the father, the husband and the communicator have merged in him: he now expresses himself in the language of the enemy.
Clément Bénech, Un vrai dépaysement/ A real change of scenery, Flammarion.
Coming from a line of Bordeaux architects and engineers, Romain d’Astéries decided to break with family tradition. For him, it will be teaching. And let’s not talk to him about Bordeaux, it is in Guyana that the future teacher requested his assignment: there he will be able to explore new pedagogies, in complete freedom, far from his family and the rigor of official programs. But a bug in the National Education software finally sends him to Auvergne, to a small country college.
Photography residency
Dimitri Bortnikov, L’aigle et le cygne/ The Eagle and the Swan, Odyssey editions.
To mark ten years of its photography residency whose theme is the Mediterranean, the Fondation des Treilles wanted to spark a dialogue between the works of its first 28 winners and one of the authors of its writing residency, the novelist Dimitri Bortnikov. The Eagle and the Swan was born from this exchange.
Francine Cathelain, Et je laisserai mes yeux voler/And I will let my eyes fly, Odyssée editions.
Projected, a few years ago, in a solitary, intimate and singular experience, born from the encounter between a place, a moment and a particular state, in the heart of a remote South, the photographic book of the first winner of the Escourbiac Prize – Fondation des Treilles shares the story of this exploratory journey, imbued with the gift of presence that certain Mediterranean territories possess, between mystery and plenitude, perceptible and impalpable, reality and fiction. Or rather imaginary.
Dominique Barthélemy, Frantz Grenet and Cécile Morrisson (dir.), L’Eurasie autour de l’an 1000 : cultures, religions et sociétés d’un monde en développement (Eurasia around the year 1000: cultures, religions and societies of a developing world), Collège de France – CNRS – Centre de recherche d’histoire et civilisation de Byzance, Monographies 57, Peeters, 2022 [séminaire 2019]
Laurent Martin (dir.), La beauté au regard des sciences humaines et sociales (Beauty from the perspective of the human and social sciences), revue Sociétés et représentations n° 56, éditions de la Sorbonne, 2023 [seminar 2021]
Residential studies
Annabelle Kremer-Lecointre and Guillaume Lecointre, Démystifier le vivant : 36 métaphores à ne plus utiliser (demystify the living: 36 metaphors to no longer use) (ill. d’Arnaud Rafaelian), Belin, 2023 [residential study 2022]
The Young researcher Prize
Partiot Caroline, Santos, F., Niel, M. & al. (2023). The distal femoral epiphysis used as a fetal maturity marker: Implications of extant medical data for bioarcheological analysis. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology, 1-8. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/oa.3240 [Young researcher Prize 2021]
Partiot Caroline, Castex Dominique, Valérie Delattre & al. (2023) Non-metric variations in individuals who died during the perinatal period in past populations: recording protocol and comparative data. Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d’Anthropologie de Paris, Bd. 35 (2), S. 1-11. https://journals.openedition.org/bmsap/11963 [Young researcher Prize 2021]
Alizée Lopez-Persem, Sarah Moreno-Rodriguez, Marcela Ovando-Tellez & al. ‘How Subjective Idea Valuation Energizes and Guides Creative Idea Generation.’American Psychologist, 14 August 2023. [Prix jeune chercheur 2021]
Enrica Montalban, Biological Psychiatry. PMID 36805080 DOI 10.1016/j.biopsych.2023.02.010 [Young researcher Prize 2020]
Nicolas Garroté, Poétique de Madame de Sévigné (Poetics of Madame de Sévigné), Presses universitaires de France, 2023 [Young researcher Prize 2020]
Application calls
Application forms are still open for:
the 2024 season
– the Author Residency Prize (until December 31, 2023)