

  -  News (Page 6)

AGENDA LARGE RESIDENTIAL STUDIES The Hellenistic worlds in the 2nd century BC. AD, crisis or evolution of states ? - organized by Laetitia Graslin The conquests of Alexander the Great opened a new era of ancient history, traditionally referred to as the Hellenistic

AGENDA Residential studies Large groups residential studies Shared problems, divergent methodologies, the crossed perspectives of historians and economists - organized by Alain Trannoy The purpose of this large residential study is to bring together historians and economists under the gaze of a philosopher on methodological

AGENDA Call for applications : opening of online applications for residential studies for small groups  (2022), seminars and large groups residential studies (2023). We sincerely hope that the global health situation will not modify once again our available slots. SEMINARS About Beauty - organized

Do you wish to apply to one of the activities offered by the Fondation des Treilles? Please consult the deadlines schedule below and the page dedicated to each activity to know more about our application procedures. Ongoing applications None at the moment. Closed

A world of Letters, The authors of the first NRF in the mirror of their correspondence As a continuation of the publications in the Analects of the Fondation des Treilles, in the Gallimard series, "the NRF notebooks", a new volume entitled "Un

AGENDA Residential studies Residential study "ASTERION Project - Development of a serious game to study perceptions of chance" - Anne Duprat. Developed within the framework of the ALEA Scientific Research Network (IUF / ANR) by five specialists in literary storytelling theory, sociology of

AGENDA Seminars and residential studies   Seminar "Cognitive maps in infants: Initial state and development" This seminar, organized by Ghislaine Dehaene, will bring together participants from different fields of neuroscience to reflect on the initial organization of the human brain. Indeed, human infants are the