December 2022
Agenda This month we are making a break in order to prepare the 2023 activities. Residencies Author's Residency Prize : Beata Umubyeyi Mairesse Let's come back to Beata's reading session at the Draguignan media library on November 19, 2022. Her residency project : the convoy In the book
November 2022
AGENDA Seminars Digital social networks: communication, promotion and regulation Digital social networks : communication, promotion and regulation Digital social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.) have taken a fundamental place in interpersonal, political and economic communication, replacing traditional modes of communication. The rapid emergence
Lalanne’s sheep exhibition
TWENTY-TWO ! François-Xavier Lalanne's sheep Château Borély – Musée des Arts décoratifs, de la Faïence et de la Mode, Marseille From the 8th of October 2022 to the 12th of March 2023 OPEN FROM TUESDAY TO SUNDAY FROM 9 AM TO 6 PM Anne Gruner Schlumberger
October 2022
AGENDA Seminars The neural crest perspective on craniofacial development - Philippe Soriano. The neural crest is a population of embryonic stem cells that arises in the developing central nervous system. Neural crest cells then undergo a mesenchymal epithelial transition to become migratory cells
September 2022
AGENDA Seminars Myogenesis : from forces to structure and treatment - Franck Schnorrer & Olivier Pourquié. Novel technologies now enable us to generate human muscle in vitro as pioneered by one of the organisers (Pourquié) and measure mechanical forces across muscle fibers and even
July 2022
AGENDA Seminars Love and care between humans: new interdisciplinary perspectives, Nathalie Zaccaï-Reyners, Claire Marin & Frédéric Worms. At the heart of our ties to others, but also of our relationships to ourselves, we encounter an affective dimension that we relate to love. But
The Arles photographic meetings
During the opening week of the photography meetings, the Fondation des Treilles settles in Arles. From July 5th to 8th, come and meet us at 6, place Louis Blanc to discover the Foundation's photography residency Prize and meet the award
June 2022
AGENDA Seminars Being Jewish in Literature, in France and in the Francophone World: Nelly Wolf & Maxime Decout. This seminar aims to question the founding role of Jewish identity in literary creation without reducing the works to this sole influence. It will
May 2022
AGENDA Seminars The Tutankhamun Years: Egyptomania in the 20th Century, Popularization and Globalization of an Original Aesthetic Current - Jean-Marcel Humbert. This seminar – the first on this specific subject – is linked to the current event, the centenary of the discovery
April 2022
AGENDA Seminars Evolution and diversity of Meiosis - Jean-René Huynh Meiosis is a key step in sexual reproduction. It is indeed at the end of the two meiotic divisions that the male and female gametes are produced, the meeting of which will form