Because of the pandemic, your seminar planned for this year has been canceled and will be postponed to 2022. Thank you in advance for filling in the form below and indicating the dates of your choice for its reprogramming.
The estate “Les Treilles” has been created to offer conditions suitable for concentration and creativity.
Seminars are intended for all researchers and all creators. They are open to all fields of knowledge where creativity can express itself beyond the laboratory or the studio.
To facilitate the evaluation of your application by the Treilles Scientific Council, your request must include the names of three people likely to act as referees.
The Foundation can contribute to the travel costs within the limits of the estimate provided in the request form (see below). However, organizers are strongly advised to seek outside funding. For information, the funds not used for the reimbursement of the travel arangements will be allocated towards the young researcher prize.
The maximum duration is one week, from Monday afternoon to Saturday morning. The Foundation expects all participants to remain for the duration of the seminar.
The invitations are strictly personal. The Foundation is not able to accommodate third parties such as family members of the invited guests.
One month maximum after the meeting, the organizer will send a two-page summary of the meeting for publication on the Foundation’s research blog AND a twenty-line synthesis for the Board’s annual activity report.
The Fondation des Treilles expects that its support be acknowledged in any work or publication resulting from the residency; authors are invited to forward two copies of their publication.