10th edition of the Photography Prize
For the 10th edition of the Residence Prize for Photography of the Fondation des Treilles, the jury met from January 22 to 24, 2021. Among the 82 applications received and the 44 applications selected, the projects of Bernard Descamps, Sophie Hatier and Yusuf Sevinçli were finalists.
The three winners benefit from a monthly allowance of € 2,650, and a two to four months residency at the Fondation des Treilles in the Var, where they will have access to a film laboratory, a digital workshop, the library of the foundation. They will also benefit from artistic support and technical monitoring for the realization of their projects.
This year, the jury, chaired since 2014 by Laura Serani (artistic director, exhibition curator and author) was made up of Bertrand Eveno (former President of Gens d’Images, former President of the “France-Presse” agency), Claire Lebel (member of the board of directors of the Fondation des Treilles), Jean-Luc Monterosso (correspondent of the “Académie des Beaux-Arts”, founder and former director of the “Maison Européenne de la Photographie”), Sarah Moon (photographer, director) and Ricardo Vazquez (chief heritage curator, director of sports and youth culture at the Var departmental council).
The laureates since 2011
2011 Raed Bawayah and Véronique Ellena
2012 Morgane Denzler and Manuela Marques
2013 Claire Chevrier, Patrizia Di Fiore and Mark Lyon
2014 Anaïs Boudot, Hicham Gardaf and Evangelia Kranioti
2015 Thibaut Cuisset, Wiktoria Wojciechowska and Sophie Zénon
2016 Andrea & Magda, Pablo Guidali and Klavdij Sluban
2017 Nicolas Comment and Laurie Dall’Ava & Victor Mazière
2018 Clément Chapillon, Stéphane Couturier, Corinne Mercadier and Safaa Mazihr
2019 Sylvie Hugues, M’hammed Kilito and Jean-François Spricigo
2020 Bernard Descamps, Sophie Hatier and Yusuf Sevinçli